Saturday 28 February 2015

Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a great week, because I certainly am! Even though I have mocks starting next week, I don't even feel stressed even though I should be in panic mode because I have 14 topics to revise for maths for Tuesday... . Anyways, had the best dinner of the week once again today, but can't say that yesterdays coconut ice cream with almonds and digestive cookies at Cold Stone Creamery wasn't good hehe, thanks to my boyfriend even though I said I am not having any treats until spring break.... SO, had Pangasius fillet covered with some spices and on the side oven roasted beetroots and fresh baby spinach, topped with low fat sour cream and capres YUM! So so delicious, even though I usually don't like this particular fish that much but hey, it's fish and fish is packed with protein, vitamins, and nutrients that can lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke so all fine by me! Now I am off to the wonderful world of biology, I swear I will cry happy tears if I pass my final exam.



Wednesday 18 February 2015

What a day! I have had this dress hanging in my wardrobe for almost half a year, waiting for this day! Finally found someone to model for me, so that I could take these photographs for both an arts project as well as my uni application. I am so grateful to my model, can't thank her enough! The look turned out perfect, and the dress doesn't even look like it's made out of paper right?


J A N & F E B

Tuesday 17 February 2015

First day back home after winter break, and my god how good it felt to put on shorts! // Best breakfast of the year so far; greek yogurt, fruits and puffed oats yum! // Finally starting to like the look of my work station... JUST DO IT... // Valentine's day was pretty great this year.

Sunday walks when it's sunny and life seems easy. Love living by the sea, I wonder if any of these are on sale for free? ;)

Best workout buddy // First proper workout after getting clear papers from doctor, felt so weak but the only way is up. Also started the Kayla Itsines BBG! // Super yummy fish and quinoa on a Friday night// Valentine's day; used a new foundation from Sephora, which looked perfect in terms of tone at the shop, but when I got home and started applying it, oh my. I looked like an easter chick! Eventually I did get it blended nicely into my skin, but so not happy after spending $30 on it...

Finally found my prom dress, never thought I'd end up with white but it was just too pretty to say no, will have to get rid of those beautiful tan lines tho... // Walking home on a rainy day without an umbrella...

Watched the whole Twilight series in a row and didn't even get bored in the middle // After promising myself that I would now have a month without treats, I have to say that I'm struggling! I think the winter break mode hasn't quite yet zoned off me... but hey Rome wasn't built in a day // A bit of wok for dinner // I have to admit, that if there's something I love it is big t-shirts. Nothing better than to spend a morning in bed in shorts and a huge t and good breakfast. 

 Went to watch the guys final basketball game and surprise surprise they won again // My Friday night movie session #million with green tea and treats // My converse were in the end of their road the bottom was coming off and I could see through the sides...  So I finally went bought new ones // Is it even legal to have this many bright colours in one photo?


Monday 16 February 2015

Note to self; do not go on and look at photos when you're supposed to go sleep because this is what happens. It's currently 2.12 am and I promised myself to sleep at 11 pm... oh well, the power nap I had in the afternoon might have something to do with this. Anyways, since I didn't post hardly any photos from this winter break, I thought that I might as well do it now, because hey I miss this so much :( Had the best time again in Finland, even though my toes, hands, ears and nose and might as well say the rest of my body did not agree with me about the weather! Ate well sometimes a bit too well, and charged my batteries for what I' m going through right now. Oh how I can't wait for May! Seems so close yet so far away. But, without further further ado, enjoy!




Saturday 14 February 2015


M U E S L I vs G R A N O L A

Friday 6 February 2015

I have to admit, that I have a super bad habit of snacking on granola excessively hehe... just love the crunchy, sweet and fruity flavour! However, muesli is so much better, in terms on nutrition contents, if you choose carefully, and has just as much flavour. It is often more natural and contains less calories and sugar than granola, which usually has more added syrup to aid in the toasting. Just add some on top of yogurt, or have just with milk. I like to put some on top of my morning oats, to give a little crunch and sweetness. 

Muesli typically has less sugar and calories than most breakfast cereals on supermarket shelves. 
It's high in fiber and whole grains, which regulate the digestive system, are filling and can aid in weight control.
Muesli is a potent source of antioxidants.
The addition of nuts provides a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids (especially walnuts).
Milk or dairy alternatives that usually accompany muesli is a source of dairy and protein.

When looking for the right muesli, look for these qualities; unroasted , watch the serving size (should only be 1/3- 1/2 cup max), aim for varieties containing under 20g of carbohydrates per serving, <3g of saturated fat per 100g, low glycemic index, limited dry fruit (too high in sugar) and a mixture of healthy fats.




What a day! Without a doubt the best one of the week so far... maybe tomorrow will be even better? Got a load of work to get done, but now after having a great evening gonna have some me time and tuck myself in bed and catch up on Bones with some chocolate and tea because hey, FRIDAY. Still feeling the yesterdays leg and butt workout, so maybe some stretching would be a good idea as well...
Didn't workout today, so tomorrow will be a tough one ;) Also, crossing my fingers for a good weather! 


B E S T O F 2 0 1 4

Thursday 5 February 2015


Hey everyone, and sorry for the super late new year wishes, but happy 2015! Better late than never.... or not. Anyways, I have been procrastinating in terms of writing, and there's just no excuse. Sorry! Haven't been quite feeling it, and haven't had ideas come to my mind :/ My year so far has been great, so much has changed in the last few days, and I feel motivated again in terms of fitness, because I finally got clear papers from the doctor regarding my mycoplasma! So I've started getting back on track with my old routines, and I have to admit, I don't understand how I had so much spare time last year! Now it feels like I have no time for anything except school, can't wait for it to end in few months time. 
Hope you all have had a great start for this year, keep it up, but if you haven't just think of what drives you and what makes you happy, don't try to satisfy other people only because they expect things from you :)
