S A L M O N & A V O C A D O

Thursday 27 November 2014


HI and happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating it! I personally don't, but still had a nice Thursday dinner, because it was my moms birthday. So, as an appetiser I made these awesome nutrition packed cups; diced avocado and cold smoked salmon with some light sour cream and rye cracker. YOU HAVE TO TRY THESE.  So so so so good, just remember to add some lemon and sprinkle pepper on top! Simple, nutritious, fast to make and yummy, so who says eating healthy is boring?

 H E A L T H     B E N E F I T S 

 A V O C A D O 
Rich in fibre, mono-unsaturated fats, antioxidants and potassium
Can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Can help absorb nutrients from plant foods
May prevent cancer
Helps with weight loss, because satisfies the feeling of hunger for long periods of time

 S A L M O N 
Rich in omega 3
Improves bone density and strength
Improves cardiovascular health
Helps with brain development 
Protects the eyes
Source of vitamin D
Helps you sleep
