Wednesday 30 September 2015

I haven't ever kept track of how long I've had this little blog of mine, but I think it is turning two whole years this week. Feels weird, because I haven't really ever committed to it truly, since it has been just a place for me to write my random thoughts to, a bit like a diary I guess? So many of my friends have lately been telling me that I should get my act together and make something proper of this (especially now that I've had 4 free months to do just that...). So I thought, why not start now? Next week this time I am starting a whole new chapter in my life, so why not start a whole new chapter for my blog as well? Even though I'm terrible at committing, I think it would be useful to learn that skill at this stage of my life... Right? Anyway, here goes nothing;

1.  Are you named after anyone? 
Well, not exactly but my second name "Rosalla" (pronounced by a non-Finnish person it sounds like Spanish, but no I don't have any Spanish ancestry) was inspired by the musician "Rozalla". But I still suck at singing. 

2. When was the last time you cried?
A few weeks ago when I saw my parents at the airport in Milan. 

3. Do you have kids?

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?  
Well yes of course! ;) haha, but in reality it's easy for me to make friends, but hard to maintain the friendship cos I've just gotten so used to moving places all the time. But the good friends I have made in Singapore are for life. Or at least now it feels like it. 

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
This is one of the things you can't avoid when having a conversation with me. Period. I use it in both good and bad, it just makes the world a better place. Or not ;)

6. Will you ever bungee jump? 
Yes. No. To be honest I don't know. Maybe with someone whom I trust more than myself?

7. What's your favourite cereal? 
Cheerios. The multigrain ones. I like it simple. 

8. What's the first thing you notice about people? 
Their style. I know, shallow, but hey I am studying Fashion Marketing! I have a reason to ;) Other than that, I've been brought up to the power of a good handshake when I meet someone for the first time. No one will take you seriously if you are like a dead fish. 

9. What is your eye colour?
It depends on the lighting. I'm serious! Sometimes blue, sometimes green, sometimes green/blue, sometimes green/grey, sometimes... I think you get it? :D

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Definitely happy endings. I am a hopeless romantic. I mean yeah I really like the sound effects on "Stab" after "watching" it behind of a pillow at my friends birthday party when I was like 10? NOT. 

11. Favourite smells?
Clean laundry, home and dark chocolate. 

12. Summer or winter?
SUMMER. And spring. I don't hate anything as much as I hate that period in Finland when it's cold, there's this weird disgusting mix of water and snow and everything is either grey or brown. And it's dark. And everything feels dead. I mean EVERYTHING. 

13. Computer or television?
Computer. I think you all know why? Everything is on it. Even television. BTW! I find it so shocking that the shops that rent movies are closing down here in Finland, anyone else that agrees with me? It's sad that the kids growing up now won't have that argument with their siblings on a Friday night of which movie to rent, and that "hmm which candy should I get this week?". 

14. What's the furthest you've ever been from home? 
This is a funny one, as the ones of you that have read my stuff for a while know. I don't really know where my home is. BUT, they say that home is where your heart is, but I feel that half of it is here in Finland and half is Singapore. So.. I guess this summer has been it? And for sure when I move next Tuesday to Italy that WILL be the furthest. But again, that is my future home? Anyone confused? I am haha :D 

15. Do you have any special talents? 
Adjusting to new places maybe? And situations. And some would say languages but I'm not too sure about that. 

16. Where were you born?

17. What are your hobbies? 
Gym, photography, cooking, listening to music, online window shopping and makeup (I don't know if that is truly classified as a hobby, buuut I use a lot of time to play with my collection).

18. Do you have any pets?
No, because sadly I am allergic to all those fuzzy balls of fur :( I would looove to get a French bulldog someday. Desensitization maybe? Hahah!

19. Favourite movie?
Letters to Juliet. Like I said; hopeless romantic. 

20. Do you have any siblings? 
Yes! A younger brother whom I miss a lot a lot!

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Happy. Happy with my job, happy with my financial life, happy about my health, happy about my family and the people around me. 

PHEW! I think that's it... and even if it wasn't, I think you get the picture of who is behind these lines :) I've been stuck on that smell question so badly this whole time that I strongly think that I will wrap myself up in my new blanket, open up Netflix and have a few pieces of chocolate! ;)


Thursday 10 September 2015

Dress / Pull and Bear // Sandals / Cotton on // Earrings / Bijou Brigitte

So, I've officially spent the first extremely hectic week in my future home town! And you know what? I still can't believe that I'm moving there :D Not that I didn't like the place though the traffic is unbelievable and  I can say good bye to walking to uni with my headphones on for real... I mean if I wanna survive there in one piece. In a way I felt at home, because of the amount of people walking around town and the noises and the fact that all the shops that I loved in Singapore are there. The mission was to find a shared apartment for me, and I couldn't have found a better one. All and all, the week was great though I needed to spend last two nights gaining back some of my lack of sleep.. Oh! And the food was great ;) of course it was great it's Italy duh. I was surprised how "cheap" the food is, so money saved there instantly! SO HAPPY.  
But now, I'm going to continue gathering my list for things I need to buy for my room and so forth... one month to go!