Tuesday 4 November 2014


I am alive! Don't worry ;) But yeah apologies once again for the long pause, IB is really getting the better of me :/ And as if I wouldn't already have enough to do already, I realised that my exams are in 18 school DAYS time... god help me. Anyways this weekend was amazing, tiring, stressing, exhausting, teaching and everything in between! I was a part of my schools press for the MUNOFS conference and really learned a lot about journalism and all that tech stuff, had fun with friends and got my feet destroyed by high heels. 
Oh and another thing, I decided that I will apply to study to become a personal trainer (still applying for journalism and art stuff at the same time though but not really interested in arts anymore) or something in that field, because hey, it's what I love these days and well what would be better than to spend my life doing something that I actually love? 
