The ones of you that have ever edited photos and especially the ones of you that have a blog, know the pain of keeping your photos crisp and clean on your blog (I can't surely be the only one having this dilemma?). Well that's pretty much the reason why I haven't been posting for this whole entire summer, not that I wouldn't have had things to share, but because I've been just so mad at myself for being so wonderful at using technology (NOT!). I want my photos to look nice because what is the point of even posting them, if they look like a snowy tv screen? I even tried out a whole new website but that didn't work out either. I had pretty much lost all my motivation and was going to close this blog down, until I decided to give one last go at it this morning by typing "how to remain photo quality on blogger" onto google (thank you god for google) and guess how many how to's I found? How can a person be so relieved but so frustrated at the exact same time? Well, it's all in the past now, and from now on you can expect a post every single Monday from me! But I will do some catching up this week though...
And what comes to these photos here, I was finally able to celebrate my graduation here in Finland with my relatives in this bea-uti-ful place in Mikkeli called Tertti Mansion about a week ago. We always stop by there on our way to our summer house, and I couldn't have thought of a better place to celebrate (food played a big role.... ;) ). And hey reds to my brother I didn't honestly expect him to take such great shots!
I have a few months left in Finland, and this fall is sure going to be an exciting one let's just hope that I get through it without too many bumps and bruises!