Wednesday 3 June 2015

I'm so happy that I'm finally allowed to publish this post! Few months ago this year, I made a favour to a friend of mine called Mark Lim , as he asked if I could model for his new movement/apparel line. Of course I said YES! The experience was amazing and we both had the best time we've ever spent together (the fact that we both do photography really helped, because of me not having done any modelling whatsoever, he was able to give me a bunch of directions). Also, I feel that I really fit into this brand, because well, I am an international student and as sad as it sounds, I don't really consider my home country Finland as my home anymore. Yes, it is a place for holidays like christmas and summer, but nothing else. It's a place where I can escape the reality and responsibilities. 
So, in order for you guys to understand what 'DONT BELONG' is all about have a read of this quote set by Mark himself:

How often do you question if and where you belong? For many in a rising generation of "stateless" people, that alien feeling is both the foundation for their constant searching and of their global success. 
'Third culture kids', though the world may be sick of hearing them lament, are a growing population of people raised without a singular home and without permanent sense of sticking. "TCK", a phrase used by sociologists and teens alike, is now decades old but no less generalizing. With such a wide network of people scattered across the globe, some made by their mixed ethnicity, some a product of foreign education and global companies, where is there a medium to express their stories?
We call it 'DONT BELONG'. Because the truth is we (as members of the "TCK" club) don't belong to any one place. We're global citizens and being abroad is just as homey a place as any. 
So how don't you belong? We want to know. The aim of this safe space is to create a community of people who feel mismatched and unrepresented in their surroundings.  We're sending out a beacon for all of you: international students, expatriate workers, or people who just seem to stick out.
We are a lifestyle movement, new and expandable. Our first two topics to cover: 1. Apparel (clothes, stickers, wear it we want to see it), and 2. Art, (thats me, the ominous writer you've been reading) I'll be doing a set of 3D illustrations that scream DONT BELONG. 

Have a look around, and help us grow!

If you got interested (and even if you didn't!) just go and check out his works on Instagram ; @Markelim and make sure to follow him for more to come on 'DONT BELONG'!