5 D A Y S

Friday 12 December 2014


It's been almost a year now that I started going to the gym. WOW. Is it just me or has this year gone faster than any year before? Just so insane how the year went past. I'm trying to get my motivation builded up again, after all the exam stress, but what was supposed to be my last doctors appointment yesterday didn't help at all. My mycoplasma results were still through the roof, and I am now again restricted from working out, even though I feel completely fine! I feel so so annoyed and sad, because I really wanted to make this last month a good one, but instead I've been sitting at home just eating and eating and occasionally enjoying the sunny mornings... But hey, 5 more days till I'm off to Finland, hopefully it will snow!

D O N E 

Tuesday 9 December 2014


Mocks are over! Yay! Feeling so so so relieved. And hey it's 9th of December, so just another 9 days till I'm flying to Finland, will have to do some shopping still before that...  I'm really hoping that it won't be a black x-mas though. Would be so nice if it was -20 and the woods would be covered with snow so I could go for walks and cuddle up in bead with warm socks and furry jumpers.... nothing bad with dreaming right?! ;) We decorated our apartment this weekend, and it's so christmassy here now. Anyways had a great workout just now (cardio cardio and more cardio hehe) and an awesome snack after; blueberries, almonds, pomegranate and pecans. Yum! 
